Dear Live Rugby Fan,

We know just how annoying it is when you want to watch your favourite live rugby premiership match, only to find the terrestrial television channels aren’t showing it. Regularly, many channels elect to pay for the rights for a football match instead of Rugby as there is more of a demand for it.

Most people still don’t seem to know just how simple and convenient it is to watch rugby online from your computer. It only takes a few minutes to set up and you can view almost any live rugby game imagineable. All you need is a computer (obviously), an internet connection, and some easy-to-install software to view all the live rugby streaming matches!


The live rugby streams can be found on a dozen or so individual sites across the net. You can also download and install a number of programs that will find the games for you automatically.

Usually there are 2 or more stations showing the same match so you won’t miss out if the channel or stream you are watching breaks down at any point.


Rugby is one of those sports that is most popular in the United Kingdom. Along with soccer, cricket and softball, the British seem to love to watch rugby games. The Americans have the NFL or ‘American Football’ which is very similar except the players wear armour, making rugby look like an incredibly aggressive sport.

The story of how Rugby began seems a little far-fetched but does seem to be passed on to every rugby player at one point or another. Rugby players say the original form of the game came about in 1823, when 16 year old William Ellis (who suddenly decided to disregard the rules) ran across the field carrying the ball instead of dribbling with it. The move, classed as a handball in regular soccer, was seen as a genius of an idea for a new game and so the first game began.

The game used to be played more often in public schools and specialist clubs but recently seems to have found its way into the homes of most people. The problem is, with the popularity of the game also comes the cost. It now costs just as much to watch as premiership football. Pay per view channels seem to have the rights to most rugby games now but obviously there is still live rugby streaming online which is completely free.

The streams are free as they are broadcast by free-to-air channels abroad that have the rights to broadcast the games in their own country. There’s nothing illegal about viewing these streams and as long as you know where they are, you can watch rugby games online in minutes!

By Mario