Mobile Gambling: A Comprehensive Strategy & Market Review was a report that was covered by Yahoo finance only a few months back, highlighting that the report forecast mobile gambling to be bright for 2012.

Newly-released figures for quarters 1-3 in 2012 so far have corroborated the prediction, which show that the UK’s biggest gambling-industry players have noted a 40per cent boost to the volume of mobile-device sports betting in no less than twelve months.

So these figures were a welcome relief to gambling giants after the disastrous return of 2009, with global revenues reaching just $4.7 billion – far less than the predicted expected $19.3 billion.

However, despite their roaring popularity now, the idea of the smartphone was, only a few years ago, embryonic, and the idea of the tablet practically non-existent. So what’s happened since?

Well, today, being a smartphone owner is as commonplace as it used to be to own a Nokia 3210, and tablet computers are becoming the new laptop.

Two years ago, comScore MobiLens produced a study which highlighted that an incredible 7.6per cent of smartphone owners used their devices to place bets online, with 1.2per cent of those betting on standard, non-smartphone mobile devices.

Betting on sports at Ladbrokes and other betting operators has become increasingly accessible and popular as the UK gambling industry steps up adeptly to the challenge of adapting to the changes in technology that are turning out to be incredibly beneficial to it – and that enable gamblers to gamble how they want, when they want, where they want.

By Mario